
One year ago today I took the first step in my blog journey by creating my WordPress website. Like every adventure, it started off a little rocky and I thought that my blog dream would crash and burn. I even took off a few months from blogging because I was becoming so discouraged. In all of 2018, I had only 118 total blog views. I was heartbroken and disappointed in myself because I felt like I failed at yet another thing. 

Then I bucked up and remembered why I wanted to start a book blog. I love books! I love reading them. I love supporting authors. I love recommending my favorite reads to others. So I got back into it with renewed determination and it’s slowly growing. I’m now at just under 300 blog followers and In the past 3 months had over 1,200 views. That’s nearly 300 people who want to hear what I have to say about books. 300 people that I can help connect with a new author or a new series. 

I know I know, there are bigger blogs out there. That’s great! I’m so happy for them and how successful they have become. My point is, I’m getting there and I’m more successful today than I was a year ago, even 3 months ago. I’m so thankful that I didn’t give up! 

So if you’re reading this and have ever thought about giving up, I’m begging you not to. You have no idea what could be if you don’t give it your best! Ask for help, reach out and connect with other bloggers. Join blogger support groups. Whatever it is you blog about(even if it’s not the awesomeness of books) just know that someone out there is rooting for you to succeed. I support you and wish you the very best in this crazy blogging life!

❤️ Brittany ❤️

Author: BookaholicBrittany

Hi my name is Brittany and I’m a Bookaholic. I read about 300 books a year! I’m also a nature lover and environmental science enthusiast. I’m a full-time student earning my degree in Library Science, a mommy of four, and a proud military spouse. My life can be chaotic, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. ❤️

30 thoughts on “Blogiversary”

  1. Congratulations Brittany💖 you have a beautiful blog and your words above are very encouraging and optimistic for everyone who is trying to make a place for themselves in this bookish community. *Hugs*

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations! Your blogging journey is so inspiring, and I hope I’m able to have a one year blogiversary like yours! Thanks so much for the blogging tips ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s so exciting! Blogging can be hard, especially in the beginning! But if you love it, stick to it! Share your posts and people will read them! I can’t wait to read more!

    Liked by 1 person

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